Chris Hervochon, CPA, CVA

Top 5 Accounting Problems for Nonprofit Organizations

Top 5 Accounting Problems for Nonprofit Organizations

In this blog post, we will explore the top 5 accounting problems we see in delivering accounting services to nonprofit organizations. Accounting departments, to some extent, for small for-profit businesses are a “nice to have.” When a for-profit entity has a robust accounting function it will help the decision-makers in the business to make more […]

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‘Ways to Love Your Money’ Podcast Interview

(From Elisabeth Dawson’s Ways to Love Your Money) Chris Hervochon recently made an appearance on Elisabeth Dawson’s “Ways to Love Your Money” podcast. Dawson is the founder of Copia Wealth Management & Insurance Services, an organization that provides financial and insurance advising with education to help her clients achieve their desired wealth goals. Chris Hervochon

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Managing your agency’s financials for better results

Understand how to increase your profits through improved reporting (PODCAST: Chats with Chip – Small Agency Growth Alliance) Chris Hervochon, CPA, CVA was recently a guest on Small Agency Growth’s Chats with Chip podcast. He shares his advice on how to manage your marketing agency more effectively by understanding and using your financial reports.

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Shock Your Potential Podcast: The Power of Reserves, Pipeline & Capacity

(Shock Your Potential Podcast) Chris Hervochon and Michael Sherlock discuss how virtual accounting and CPA services offer certainty and peace of mind from working with the numbers. In particular, Chris discusses how he works with clients to understand how to manage their operating and growth objectives by focusing on their cash reserves, their business pipeline,

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The Benefits of a Niche, and the Realities of Professional Golfing podcast

The Benefits of a Niche, and the Realities of Professional Golfing

(Published in MGR Accounting Recruiters) Chris Hervochon was a guest on “Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast” to talk about how he developed a niche business in the area of providing accounting services for marketing agencies and creatives In addition to having a thorough discussion of the benefits of having a specialty, Chris discussed

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40 Under 40 by CPA Advisor

CPA Practice Advisor Magazine Names Chris Hervochon Among “40 under 40” for Second Year

Chris Hervochon, CPA, CVA has been selected as one of the 2020 “40 Under 40” in the Accounting Profession by CPA Practice Advisor magazine. This is the second year Hervochon has received this recognition. “The 40 Under 40 Awards spotlight the top practicing public accountants, educators and thought leaders who are leading their profession by

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marketing agency improvements without capital

How to grow a marketing agency without additional capital

When it comes to improving your business, monetary infusions aren’t always feasible, especially during economic downturns like the COVID-19 shutdown. Don’t let that stop you from finding ways to improve your marketing agency. There are a variety of ways to improve your marketing or creative business without additional capital or expense. Our CPA firm uses

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